
Upcoming Events

Sat, April 27 – Online Zoom Learning

TinkerCAD for Electrical Circuits

In this FREE zoom call of 1 HOUR, students will get started with building and simulating circuits and understand concepts like voltage drop, current flow, and resistance. 100% Practical Session.

Tutor: Dr. Stephanie Adeyemo, PhD

Constance Work Research Fellow, University of Cambridge & Co-Founder, AfriteQ Academy

Sat, March 30 – Online Zoom Learning

Intro to ChatGPT

In this introductory class, students will learn how to use ChatGPT to create engaging and interactive conversations, generate creative content, and explore the capabilities of AI-driven language models.

Tutor: Kingsley Owadara

AI Ethicist Pan-Africa Center for AI Ethics

No upcoming events at the moment.

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