
Little Engineers Virtual

Have fun every month with an Engineering expert!

Little Engineers Virtual brings Engineering into your home in these fun, live sessions led by real experts and a AfriteQ instructor! Each session includes an introduction to the topic, a hands-on or virtual activity, and time for questions at the end.

Sessions occur on Saturdays at the following times:

Ages 9 – 15: 11:000AM West African Time

Sessions are free for AfriteQ Virtual members and open to non-members for N12,000 per session. Registration opens to members before the general public.

Buy a Virtual membership!

N100,000 per year

Membership lasts for one full year from the date of purchase. You can buy a membership at any time of year and you will receive a full year of programming.

AfriteQ Academy 2 (13)

Enrollment Requirements

Students Resources

Kids enrolled in the program are provided: