Tigers (10-14 years)

Becoming a Tiger

We’re really excited to share the Tigers programme with you!

The Tigers Guild is designed to offer a more advanced and immersive experience for participants in the 10 to 14 age range. This category builds upon the foundational knowledge acquired in earlier stages, introducing participants to more complex engineering concepts and projects. 

Participants in the “Tigers” Guild engage with advanced engineering concepts, exploring topics such as advanced robotics, electrical circuits, more complex coding languages, and engineering design principles.

The “Tigers” Guild delves into an in-depth exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, providing a well-rounded understanding of the interconnected nature of these fields.

We designed a curriculum consisting of:


Little Engineers

Membership Award

A membership award is given to a Tiger when he/she has signed up to be a Tiger by submitting an application form, parents consent form and a social media approval form, 

Chief Engineer's Guild Award

This is the highest award a Tiger can earn. To complete it, you need to earn All Activity Badges of your choice, as well as all three of the Challenge Awards.

Challenge Awards

Challenge Awards are all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Try out something you wouldn’t normally be interested in. Take the lead on something that scares you. Along the way, you’ll unlock hidden talents and stand tall.

Activity Badges

Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. There’s a badge to suit each and every Tiger.

Parental Involvement

The “Tigers” Guild involves parents in career guidance sessions, helping participants explore potential STEM career paths. Regular communication ensures that parents are well-informed about their child’s progress.

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